Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: October 2024
Generated 21-Oct-2024 06:35 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for October 2024
Total Hits 346936
Total Files 303774
Total Pages 168073
Total Visits 30860
Total kB Files 11182830
Total Unique Sites 10907
Total Unique URLs 1215
Total Unique Referrers 810
Total Unique User Agents 1542
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 688 9537
Hits per Day 16520 29605
Files per Day 14465 26577
Pages per Day 8003 13874
Sites per Day 519 1569
Visits per Day 1469 2273
kB Files per Day 532516 966976
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.00% 6
Code 200 - OK 87.56% 303774
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.42% 1447
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2.23% 7744
Code 303 - See Other 0.57% 1965
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.12% 401
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.01% 22
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.07% 250
Code 404 - Not Found 8.94% 31014
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 1
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.00% 4
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.09% 308

Daily usage for October 2024

Daily Statistics for October 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites kB F
1 21980 6.34% 18700 6.16% 13874 8.25% 1590 5.15% 1215 11.14% 594006 5.31%
2 12288 3.54% 10525 3.46% 6645 3.95% 1675 5.43% 1272 11.66% 527254 4.71%
3 15620 4.50% 14157 4.66% 6153 3.66% 1349 4.37% 1097 10.06% 580632 5.19%
4 26868 7.74% 24567 8.09% 8189 4.87% 1516 4.91% 1229 11.27% 651890 5.83%
5 12710 3.66% 11222 3.69% 6583 3.92% 1463 4.74% 994 9.11% 342792 3.07%
6 8963 2.58% 7794 2.57% 5651 3.36% 1250 4.05% 935 8.57% 252502 2.26%
7 16027 4.62% 14354 4.73% 7407 4.41% 1255 4.07% 1041 9.54% 431716 3.86%
8 12344 3.56% 10553 3.47% 5192 3.09% 1552 5.03% 1097 10.06% 282343 2.52%
9 19760 5.70% 15215 5.01% 6168 3.67% 1468 4.76% 1216 11.15% 382245 3.42%
10 15021 4.33% 12874 4.24% 5786 3.44% 1510 4.89% 1258 11.53% 328052 2.93%
11 29605 8.53% 26577 8.75% 8108 4.82% 2273 7.37% 1569 14.39% 576884 5.16%
12 13482 3.89% 11939 3.93% 10455 6.22% 1111 3.60% 775 7.11% 924811 8.27%
13 14712 4.24% 12750 4.20% 11500 6.84% 1319 4.27% 843 7.73% 966976 8.65%
14 19503 5.62% 17096 5.63% 11004 6.55% 2132 6.91% 1519 13.93% 594888 5.32%
15 20225 5.83% 17633 5.80% 10479 6.23% 1817 5.89% 1478 13.55% 631272 5.65%
16 17283 4.98% 15385 5.06% 9369 5.57% 1680 5.44% 1115 10.22% 581531 5.20%
17 20945 6.04% 18599 6.12% 12038 7.16% 1577 5.11% 1249 11.45% 945071 8.45%
18 27843 8.03% 25381 8.36% 9035 5.38% 1568 5.08% 1378 12.63% 906556 8.11%
19 10422 3.00% 8787 2.89% 7229 4.30% 1524 4.94% 881 8.08% 386270 3.45%
20 9240 2.66% 7975 2.63% 5774 3.44% 1188 3.85% 805 7.38% 226016 2.02%
21 2095 0.60% 1691 0.56% 1434 0.85% 267 0.87% 245 2.25% 69122 0.62%

Hourly usage for October 2024

Hourly Statistics for October 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages kB F
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 478 10045 2.90% 396 8335 2.74% 311 6539 3.89% 19457 408607 3.65%
1 1070 22479 6.48% 968 20335 6.69% 342 7182 4.27% 29463 618716 5.53%
2 1667 35007 10.09% 1517 31872 10.49% 419 8810 5.24% 39769 835146 7.47%
3 761 15993 4.61% 682 14333 4.72% 350 7365 4.38% 24445 513337 4.59%
4 590 12400 3.57% 515 10819 3.56% 315 6622 3.94% 21567 452914 4.05%
5 457 9612 2.77% 365 7683 2.53% 302 6360 3.78% 18762 393993 3.52%
6 396 8321 2.40% 324 6815 2.24% 274 5766 3.43% 17098 359051 3.21%
7 498 10461 3.02% 426 8949 2.95% 274 5773 3.43% 18600 390592 3.49%
8 546 11471 3.31% 481 10112 3.33% 382 8025 4.77% 23443 492311 4.40%
9 574 12056 3.47% 486 10217 3.36% 330 6935 4.13% 19631 412253 3.69%
10 557 11699 3.37% 469 9861 3.25% 324 6816 4.06% 18844 395719 3.54%
11 507 10667 3.07% 441 9276 3.05% 282 5933 3.53% 17494 367384 3.29%
12 503 10578 3.05% 436 9174 3.02% 307 6467 3.85% 17557 368703 3.30%
13 540 11358 3.27% 453 9514 3.13% 271 5702 3.39% 18168 381527 3.41%
14 473 9948 2.87% 412 8665 2.85% 292 6132 3.65% 17759 372944 3.33%
15 567 11915 3.43% 488 10249 3.37% 337 7086 4.22% 18633 391300 3.50%
16 682 14329 4.13% 600 12603 4.15% 441 9276 5.52% 23812 500059 4.47%
17 540 11358 3.27% 457 9602 3.16% 356 7492 4.46% 17728 372294 3.33%
18 638 13414 3.87% 544 11437 3.76% 334 7017 4.17% 20563 431820 3.86%
19 849 17840 5.14% 763 16026 5.28% 362 7622 4.53% 24821 521247 4.66%
20 1094 22974 6.62% 1013 21280 7.01% 350 7363 4.38% 30384 638065 5.71%
21 1090 22908 6.60% 954 20047 6.60% 392 8234 4.90% 27904 585985 5.24%
22 761 15985 4.61% 672 14124 4.65% 331 6957 4.14% 24282 509921 4.56%
23 672 14118 4.07% 592 12446 4.10% 314 6599 3.93% 22331 468942 4.19%

Top 30 of 1215 Total URLs
# Hits kB F URL
1 86791 25.02% 1618663 14.47% /
2 26160 7.54% 4265585 38.14% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202409.html
3 18762 5.41% 2111169 18.88% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202410.html
4 3707 1.07% 38521 0.34% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/
5 2969 0.86% 3845 0.03% /robots.txt
6 2777 0.80% 6550 0.06% /media/system/js/core.min.js
7 2739 0.79% 41479 0.37% /t3-assets/js/js-ba0be-75254.js
8 2726 0.79% 52598 0.47% /media/vendor/jquery/js/jquery.min.js
9 2645 0.76% 7055 0.06% /media/vendor/bootstrap/js/popover.min.js
10 2493 0.72% 1771 0.02% /t3-assets/css/css-596fd-75254.css
11 2471 0.71% 53185 0.48% /t3-assets/css/css-aab2c-75254.css
12 2453 0.71% 12277 0.11% /t3-assets/css/css-9e6b4-75254.css
13 2365 0.68% 2023 0.02% /t3-assets/css/css-64b8f-75254.css
14 2329 0.67% 28570 0.26% /t3-assets/css/css-3c794-75254.css
15 2282 0.66% 60069 0.54% /ads.txt
16 2217 0.64% 58316 0.52% /images/Yangwang-U9-el-superdeportivo-electrico-de-1.300-CV-de-BYD.jpeg
17 2170 0.63% 8019 0.07% /media/vendor/bootstrap/js/dom.min.js
18 2163 0.62% 7745 0.07% /plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/fonts/font-awesome/css/font-awesome-base.css
19 2162 0.62% 9111 0.08% /media/vendor/bootstrap/js/popper.min.js
20 2117 0.61% 31568 0.28% /images/Presentan-un-tuk-tuk-electrico-que-se-convierte-en-moto-pulsando-un-boton.jpeg
21 2099 0.61% 51237 0.46% /images/En-Espana-no-faltan-cargadores-de-coche-electrico-pero-estan-mal-distribuidos.jpeg
22 2008 0.58% 76146 0.68% /templates/ja_magz_ii/fonts/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
23 1864 0.54% 29699 0.27% /t3-assets/css/css-67cae-18762.css
24 1763 0.51% 100707 0.90% /media/vendor/fontawesome-free/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2
25 1702 0.49% 25719 0.23% /images/Desarrollan-un-extensor-de-autonomia-del-coche-electrico-para-viajar-sin-preocupaciones-por-la-autonomia.jpeg
26 1381 0.40% 1561 0.01% /media/legacy/js/jquery-noconflict.min.js
27 1011 0.29% 14161 0.13% /administrator/
28 896 0.26% 1273 0.01% /favicon.ico
29 630 0.18% 9487 0.08% /t3-assets/css/css-67cae-53368.css
30 490 0.14% 405 0.00% /templates/ja_magz_ii/css/error.css

Top 10 of 1215 Total URLs By kB F
# Hits kB F URL
1 26160 7.54% 4265585 38.14% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202409.html
2 18762 5.41% 2111169 18.88% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202410.html
3 86791 25.02% 1618663 14.47% /
4 1763 0.51% 100707 0.90% /media/vendor/fontawesome-free/webfonts/fa-brands-400.woff2
5 2008 0.58% 76146 0.68% /templates/ja_magz_ii/fonts/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2
6 2282 0.66% 60069 0.54% /ads.txt
7 2217 0.64% 58316 0.52% /images/Yangwang-U9-el-superdeportivo-electrico-de-1.300-CV-de-BYD.jpeg
8 2471 0.71% 53185 0.48% /t3-assets/css/css-aab2c-75254.css
9 2726 0.79% 52598 0.47% /media/vendor/jquery/js/jquery.min.js
10 2099 0.61% 51237 0.46% /images/En-Espana-no-faltan-cargadores-de-coche-electrico-pero-estan-mal-distribuidos.jpeg

Top 10 of 21 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 86791 25.02% 30065 98.45% /
2 3707 1.07% 135 0.44% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/
3 1011 0.29% 100 0.33% /administrator/
4 18762 5.41% 61 0.20% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202410.html
5 88 0.03% 57 0.19% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202407.html
6 26160 7.54% 50 0.16% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202409.html
7 48 0.01% 34 0.11% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202408.html
8 26 0.01% 8 0.03% /plesk-stat/
9 1 0.00% 4 0.01% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202406.html
10 3 0.00% 3 0.01% /configuration.php

Top 10 of 22 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 86791 25.02% 30010 98.48% /
2 18762 5.41% 118 0.39% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202410.html
3 1011 0.29% 92 0.30% /administrator/
4 3707 1.07% 79 0.26% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/
5 88 0.03% 59 0.19% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202407.html
6 26160 7.54% 48 0.16% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202409.html
7 48 0.01% 31 0.10% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202408.html
8 26 0.01% 7 0.02% /plesk-stat/
9 1 0.00% 4 0.01% /plesk-stat/webstat-ssl/usage_202406.html
10 4 0.00% 3 0.01% /plesk-stat/webstat/

Top 30 of 10907 Total Sites
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 19845 5.72% 19441 6.40% 461851 4.13% 25 0.08%
2 18889 5.44% 18889 6.22% 3103884 27.76% 9 0.03%
3 14778 4.26% 14778 4.86% 1760941 15.75% 1 0.00%
4 5857 1.69% 5857 1.93% 6737 0.06% 10 0.03%
5 5794 1.67% 5695 1.87% 101096 0.90% 10 0.03%
6 4139 1.19% 1638 0.54% 33214 0.30% 124 0.40%
7 4045 1.17% 4045 1.33% 559649 5.00% 1 0.00%
8 3494 1.01% 3494 1.15% 4036 0.04% 5 0.02%
9 3278 0.94% 1861 0.61% 30176 0.27% 239 0.77%
10 3247 0.94% 3231 1.06% 58114 0.52% 2 0.01%
11 3204 0.92% 3175 1.05% 75505 0.68% 14 0.05%
12 3183 0.92% 3183 1.05% 514937 4.60% 1 0.00%
13 3129 0.90% 3065 1.01% 54462 0.49% 5 0.02%
14 2901 0.84% 2457 0.81% 277483 2.48% 16 0.05%
15 2578 0.74% 2532 0.83% 44527 0.40% 5 0.02%
16 2342 0.68% 1261 0.42% 19989 0.18% 258 0.84%
17 2340 0.67% 2293 0.75% 41425 0.37% 6 0.02%
18 2281 0.66% 2272 0.75% 41870 0.37% 0 0.00%
19 2218 0.64% 2171 0.71% 118504 1.06% 30 0.10%
20 2214 0.64% 2165 0.71% 118147 1.06% 23 0.07%
21 2163 0.62% 2126 0.70% 39079 0.35% 2 0.01%
22 1696 0.49% 1696 0.56% 27477 0.25% 309 1.00%
23 1691 0.49% 1691 0.56% 1912 0.02% 5 0.02%
24 1676 0.48% 933 0.31% 14641 0.13% 247 0.80%
25 1629 0.47% 0 0.00% 1766 0.02% 1 0.00%
26 1572 0.45% 771 0.25% 12608 0.11% 290 0.94%
27 1430 0.41% 654 0.22% 10519 0.09% 298 0.97%
28 1385 0.40% 1 0.00% 2166 0.02% 0 0.00%
29 1377 0.40% 0 0.00% 1514 0.01% 4 0.01%
30 1364 0.39% 1294 0.43% 22498 0.20% 4 0.01%

Top 10 of 10907 Total Sites By kB F
# Hits Files kB F Visits Hostname
1 18889 5.44% 18889 6.22% 3103884 27.76% 9 0.03%
2 14778 4.26% 14778 4.86% 1760941 15.75% 1 0.00%
3 4045 1.17% 4045 1.33% 559649 5.00% 1 0.00%
4 3183 0.92% 3183 1.05% 514937 4.60% 1 0.00%
5 19845 5.72% 19441 6.40% 461851 4.13% 25 0.08%
6 2901 0.84% 2457 0.81% 277483 2.48% 16 0.05%
7 1152 0.33% 1152 0.38% 130844 1.17% 25 0.08%
8 2218 0.64% 2171 0.71% 118504 1.06% 30 0.10%
9 2214 0.64% 2165 0.71% 118147 1.06% 23 0.07%
10 5794 1.67% 5695 1.87% 101096 0.90% 10 0.03%

Top 30 of 810 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 134511 38.77% - (Direct Request)
2 14947 4.31%
3 5861 1.69%
4 5754 1.66%
5 5703 1.64%
6 5475 1.58% https://xn----htbk0aietd.xn--p1ai
7 5253 1.51%
8 3200 0.92%
9 1884 0.54%
10 1691 0.49%
11 1304 0.38%
12 1152 0.33%
13 1032 0.30%
14 1017 0.29%
15 954 0.27%
16 877 0.25%
17 523 0.15%
18 391 0.11%
19 176 0.05%
20 155 0.04%
21 94 0.03%
22 90 0.03%
23 79 0.02%
24 70 0.02%
25 46 0.01%
26 45 0.01%
27 37 0.01%
28 36 0.01%
29 26 0.01%
30 23 0.01%

Top 4 of 4 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 2 40.00%
2 1 20.00%
3 1 20.00%
4 1 20.00%

Top 15 of 1542 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 17838 5.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
2 16079 4.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 15850 4.57% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/18.0.1 Safari/605.1.15
4 13026 3.75% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.2; +
5 11577 3.34% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/117.0.5938.92 Safari/537.36
6 8731 2.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
7 7581 2.19% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 7299 2.10% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
9 6596 1.90% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
10 6436 1.86% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
11 6396 1.84% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
12 5740 1.65% Feedfetcher-Google; (+; feed-id=8639390370582375869)
13 5342 1.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
14 5222 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
15 4883 1.41% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:130.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/130.0

Usage by Country for October 2024

Top 30 of 68 Total Countries
# Hits Files kB F Country
1 121883 35.13% 110085 36.24% 6716342 60.06% Unresolved/Unknown
2 107727 31.05% 94124 30.98% 1727559 15.45% Commercial (com)
3 65568 18.90% 58337 19.20% 1261291 11.28% Network (net)
4 20885 6.02% 13871 4.57% 642845 5.75% Russian Federation
5 11983 3.45% 11823 3.89% 108835 0.97% Spain
6 7766 2.24% 7465 2.46% 111806 1.00% European Union
7 5307 1.53% 5185 1.71% 555114 4.96% Germany
8 1976 0.57% 1970 0.65% 6531 0.06% France
9 1231 0.35% 505 0.17% 9477 0.08% Mexico
10 301 0.09% 221 0.07% 2418 0.02% China
11 239 0.07% 47 0.02% 1098 0.01% Soviet Union
12 232 0.07% 230 0.08% 4095 0.04% Local Network (lan)
13 229 0.07% 211 0.07% 2605 0.02% Norway
14 195 0.06% 171 0.06% 5299 0.05% Non-Profit (org)
15 172 0.05% 32 0.01% 772 0.01% Japan
16 128 0.04% 30 0.01% 788 0.01% United States
17 121 0.03% 120 0.04% 2114 0.02% Argentina
18 115 0.03% 89 0.03% 5739 0.05% Poland
19 108 0.03% 101 0.03% 5280 0.05% Bulgaria
20 105 0.03% 68 0.02% 1851 0.02% Brazil
21 100 0.03% 96 0.03% 1489 0.01% Israel
22 91 0.03% 87 0.03% 1287 0.01% Ecuador
23 54 0.02% 54 0.02% 1056 0.01% Portugal
24 48 0.01% 48 0.02% 927 0.01% Libya
25 33 0.01% 13 0.00% 1065 0.01% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
26 32 0.01% 32 0.01% 395 0.00% Czech Republic
27 27 0.01% 15 0.00% 223 0.00% Indonesia
28 27 0.01% 12 0.00% 188 0.00% Cambodia
29 24 0.01% 24 0.01% 898 0.01% Austria
30 24 0.01% 18 0.01% 100 0.00% Kazakhstan

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23